Improving communication

by amdjuice
Your employees can learn how to communicate more effectively with each other through team-building activities; and this is likely as they will have to solve problems and work together to complete tasks as a group. Splitting your staff into two groups and giving them a problem-solving task where they are competing against the other team is a great way of getting your team to chat to one another informally. Working together to pool their ideas and resources with the aim of winning the task is a common communication exercise which will intentionally force people, who don’t tend to get on, to work together for the purpose of the team and to win the task against their competitors. This type of exercise will translate into every day working life in the office, and hopefully this will improve productivity and efficiency within the team. Talking out issues and problems that may arise is also encouraged, as it will help to air differences and approach arguments in a more professional way to resolve their problems.
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